Monday, January 28, 2013

Long Time, No Blog...(For good reason!)

Well, transitioning to a 5th grade classroom has been very difficult for me!  One would think that following students to the next grade level would be relatively easy.  NOPE!  I has been very difficult.  We are also implementing the Common Core standards and a new reading program (Daily 5/CAFE).  It's like I am barely keeping my head above water.  Does anyone else ever feel like that?  I would love to start blogging more, but I feel like I am always trying to play catch-up.  Any advice on how to cope?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Daily 5/CAFE

This coming year, my school will be implementing the Daily 5 and CAFE by the "Two Sisters" Gail Boushey and Joan Moser.  I'm excited for this change as our reading basal was getting a bit boring.  I am even more excited because I will be going to their conference in August!!!  I have heard nothing but great things about their conferences and I am so glad that they finally made it to the southeast!

As part of the framework for Daily 5, kids will read to themselves.  The authors encourage the use of book bins so students can store their books.  Some use those cardboard magazine boxes, and I have seen others use cereal boxes.  I have tried these but they usually always fall apart.  So I invested in these book bins from

I have been using their book bins for a few years now and I have only had to replace 2 (students accidentally stepped on them and they broke).  Since they are plastic, they clean up well too.  I just have my kids scrub them down with a clorox wipe during the last week of school and then I store them for next year.

I have also bought some other things from here and I am always pleased with the quality.
I have been pretty much convinced that anything you get from them, you will love!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Movin' on Up...

It's official...I am moving to 5th grade! :-)  I am excited, but at the same time I am terrified.  With 5th grade comes the added pressure of the CRCT.  Students in 5th grade must pass the reading and math CRCT in order to be promoted.  Please understand that I wasn't implying that I didn't care if my students passed or not in 4th grade (where there is no passing requirement), but the task seems kinda daunting when the promotion rule is in place.  However, I thought this would be the best time to move since we are shifting over to the Common Core standards.  Even if I stayed in 4th, I would have been learning a new curriculum.  I have never taught 5th grade, so any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!

Since I am moving to 5th grade, I get to move to another classroom.  I have spent the last week pondering what my classroom would look like.  Since the custodians at my school are busy cleaning and waxing our floors, I can't get into my room.  So instead, I use the Classroom Architect!

If you have time, visit this site.  I love that I can just click and drag the different features around the room and then PRINT it out!  I usually do 2 or 3 different layouts and then take them to school when I can get in my room.  Give it a try...


Sunday, January 29, 2012


I guess your first post is always a little awkward.  I almost feel like I have no idea what to say so I guess I'll start with the basics:

I am a mother of 2 beautiful daughters and a teacher of 22 amazing students!  I live in Georgia and have been teaching for 8 years.  I don't have the most experience numerically but I have been through it all.  I hope that I can share some of the tips and tidbits that I have learned along the way.

I am a huge fan of Pinterest!  As far as education is concerned, I live be the credo "Don't reinvent the wheel."  I find SO many great ideas from absolutely fabulous teachers on the internet through Pinterest.  I figured that maybe I should start a blog to share all of my ideas.

I hope to start posting ideas soon.  I hope that they are helpful.